Wednesday 1 August 2012

welcome to HD3D002

Welcome to HD3D002 Furniture Design for semester 2, 2012

This semester's major project 'reinterpret' will utilise this blog as a primary means of communication.
Each student will be expected to create their own web log (blog) using 
- your blog will be the primary submission portal for all your project work this semester and will enable presentations, peer review and group discussions and make studio sessions more vibrant and engaging.
Lecturers will expect to see regular (weekly) postings as evidence of project progression and at the end of semester your blog content will become your on-line project folio to be reviewed and assessed.

Getting started
Visit and follow the step by step tour.
Select one of the templates to create your blog using your name, or an appropriate alias to name your blog. Finally email your blog link to
  making sure to include your student name and number - this must be completed before the week 2 class.
Once you have set up your blog, you must contribute to it each week.
Please also visit the class blog where your lecturers will post up any relevant or critical information.
In addition, it is beneficial if you follow other students blogs
The class blog address to follow is
- please make sure you ‘follow’ this blog as well as your own to be instantly updated on any discussions, you can also follow fellow students blogs by selecting to ‘follow’ their entries.
Make sure that you keep in contact with your lecturers by emailing them at
Happy blogging!

your furniture design lecturing team...
Ian de Vere
Daniel Barbara

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